PyCon SK 2018 Schedule - Sunday

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All Sunday: Machine Learning / AI Sunday: Community / Diversity / Social Sunday: Data Science Sunday: DevOps Sunday: Documentation Sunday: Education Sunday: Python General Sunday: Security Sunday: Soft Skills Sunday: Hardware Sunday: Web Development Sunday: Other

Sunday: Hall (-1.61)

11. March
10:15 Slovak flag Charon and the way out from a pickle hell
Talk Python General Peter Bábics
10:45 Break
10:50 Slovak flag Making Python Behave
Talk Python General Vladimir Kopso
11:20 Coffee Break ☕
11:35 Slovak flag “Secret” information about the code we write
Talk Python General Tibor Arpáš
12:05 Break
12:10 English flag How to connect objects with each other in different situations with Pythonic ways - association, aggregation, composition and etc.
Talk Python General Goga Patarkatsishvili
12:40 Lunch 🍱
13:40 English flag APIs: Gateway to world's data
Talk Web Development Martin Strapko
14:10 Break
14:15 English flag Getting started with HDF5 and PyTables
Talk Data Science Giacomo Debidda
14:45 Coffee Break ☕
15:00 English flag Real-time personalized recommendations using embeddings
Talk Machine Learning / AI Jakub Mačina
15:30 Break
15:35 Quiz
Talk Other
16:05 Break

Sunday: Python Software Foundation Hall (-1.65)

11. March
10:15 English flag Real-time transcription and sentiment analysis of audio streams; on the phone and in the browser
Workshop Machine Learning / AI Aaron Bassett
14:15 Lunch 🍱
14:55 English flag Learn MongoDB by modeling PyPI in a document database
Workshop Python General Michael Kennedy
15:55 Break

Sunday: SPy - Hall A (-1.57)

11. March
10:15 English flag Testing Essentials for Scientists and Engineers
Workshop Data Science Claus Aichinger
13:15 Coffee Break ☕
13:30 Czech flag Cython: Speed up your code without going insane
Workshop Python General Miro Hrončok
17:30 Break

Sunday: SPy - Hall B (-1.57)

11. March

Sunday: Django Girls Auditorium (+1.31)

11. March
08:00 Django Girls
Workshop Web Development
17:00 Break

Sunday: Hallway

11. March
11:00 English flag Documentation clinic/helpdesk
Workshop Documentation Mikey Ariel
15:00 Break