Stefan Prodan

Stefan Prodan (GB)

Stefan Prodan is a Developer Experience engineer at Weaveworks and an OpenFaaS core contributor. Previously he worked as a software architect and a DevOps consultant, helping companies embrace DevOps and the SRE movement. Stefan has over 15 years of experience with software development and he enjoys programming in Go and writing about distributed systems.

Serverless with OpenFaaS and Python
English flag Workshop DevOps
SPy - Hall B (-1.57)
Sunday 11. March: 13:30

We'll go through the basics of OpenFaaS with Python such as:

* Initial setup
* Create a function
* Access HTTP Headers, environment variables and secrets
* Add a new language template
* Troubleshooting
* Chaining functions
* Async functions
* Monitoring functions
* Securing OpenFaaS for public use (TLS, Basic Auth)
* Object storage with Minio