Justin Mayer

Justin Mayer (US)


Justin Mayer is a serial entrepreneur, active open-source contributor, and advocate for stronger security and privacy. His latest projects include Monitorial.com, a solution for identifying and addressing potential security vulnerabilities, and Fortressa.com, which enables anyone to create their own private, self-contained VPN.

Justin speaks fluent Japanese, graduated with honors from the University of California, Berkeley, and received his M.B.A. from the Wharton School of Business.

Justin writes about security and privacy on the web at justinmayer.com and via @JMayer on Twitter.

Ochrana súkromia a bezpečnosť - pre teba a tvoju komunitu
Anglická zástava Prednáška Bezpečnosť
Miestnosť Kiwi.com (-1.61)
Friday 09. March: 13:55

Internet service providers, ad networks, governments… Many organizations have increasing access to our personal information. Protecting privacy in this environment is a non-trivial effort, and the threats posed by malicious attackers further exacerbates this problem. We, as developers, owe it to ourselves and to our communities to do the best we can to improve our collective security and privacy.

Attendees of this talk will walk away with a thorough understanding of the following topics and the problems they solve:

* multi-factor authentication
* encrypted DNS
* SSH/VPN tunnels
* full disk encryption
* compartment isolation
* “onion-skin” routing

In addition, digital interactions with other people increasingly occur via hosted services, which while convenient can compromise the privacy, integrity, and control of our data. With some open-source software and inexpensive virtual servers, we can take back control and empower us all to securely share our lives with one another.