Anton Caceres

Anton Caceres (UA)

Developer and entrepreneur running an agency in Munich. I code and organize the PyMunich group, PyConWeb, FrontConf and more. Love the Python community, happy to share and learn!

Pravda o ovládaní Big Data
Anglická zástava Prednáška Dáta
Miestnosť (-1.61)
Saturday 10. March: 10:50

What do you think is the most essential skill a data scientist should master? Knowledge of deep learning tools? Hadoop? SciPy?

This talk reveals the cornerstone of data science: nothing is as important as asking data the right questions. To make it work, we need some tools and curiosity.

While focusing on tools, we will first go over the data science subject as a whole, define our goals, continue with an overview of the essential Python packages like Pandas and Jupyter Notebook, and conclude with a live demo. The purpose of this talk is to understand our data: read it, visualize, and formulate right questions, as well as to endorse your imagination as a data scientist.